Skin Care Tips for Everyone

1. Be gentle with your skin. You’re in a hurry, I know, but rubbing and pulling vigorously will only age your skin and damage capillaries.


2. Try to stay away from fragrances. It doesn’t matter what skin type you have, fragrances are usually not good for the skin. They smell nice but can do long-term damage, like break down collagen and elastin. If you have sensitive skin, it can do a lot more, like give you a rash or make you itch.

3. Don’t skip the moisturizer. I talk to clients all the time with oily skin that are afraid of moisturizer. This product is your friend. I promise. Finding the right one is key. Moisturizer doesn’t penetrate the skin and it will protect you from everything coming at you all day…sun, pollution, smoke, makeup, etc. Your skin needs that barrier.

4. Wash your face every morning and every night. Be consistent with your products.

5. Wear sunscreen, rain or shine. No higher than SPF 30 is necessary.

The Blemish Clear Mask…that works!

Healing Acne Facial
This facial will be customized to fit your skin needs and skin type plus target acne and breakouts. It will include a Blemish Clear Mask that is a deep cleansing anti-inflammatory blemish control treatment.

It contains Microalgae Extracts and other biological plant extracts known to absorb excess sebum and clarify blemished skin. Natural Tea Tree Oil combats bacteria and reduces inflammation as it works with Zinc to regulate sebum metabolism. Willow Bark Extract, rich in natural Salicylic Acids, gently helps to exfoliate skin to reduce the build up of dead skin cells which can lead to clogged pores.


I have been experimenting with this mask and I cannot believe the results! When I remove the mask from each client, their skin is brighter, clearer and much less irritated. Le Mieux has done it again! Their products are amazing and effective. 

Bonus! This mask is safe for pregnant women! I know a lot of women battle with their skin during pregnancy and are limited in what can be used on the skin so this is the PERFECT facial and mask to help heal and clear the skin.

You Asked. I Answered.


Updated: July 2017

Q. “The little white bumps on the scalp and forehead. You can’t pop, you can’t scratch them, they are hard little things.”

A. Without having more information and without seeing them, I will assume they are milia. This is the most common answer to this question. The good news is…they are very common and not harmful to the skin. The bad news…hard to get rid of naturally. They are formed on top of the skin and are often caused by products that are too heavy for the skin or when the product can’t penetrate (like the eye area where you have no pores). They happen when dead skin gets trapped under the skin’s surface. The best way to try to get rid of these is to exfoliate (Glycolic Cleanser and Retinol Scrub) and hydrate. I recently got one and I was very diligent with those two steps and it was gone pretty quickly. They don’t always go away though and if they bother you then going to a Dermatologist is the next step. They can use lancets to extract them. Easy and pretty painless. (in some states, lancets can be used by Estheticians. California is not one of those states)


Q. “After I get a cold sore (below my lip, between my lip and chin), I still have a lot of redness where it was over a month later. What can I do to get rid of the redness?”

A. This is actually a tough question with not necessarily an answer. Avoid picking the cold sore is priority #1! Just like a pimple, picking at it can prolong it and cause skin irritation long after it is gone. The best solution if picking isn’t your issue, is to hydrate the area. Medications (oral or topical) will dry out the skin because that is part of the healing process. It is drying out the bacteria to kill it. Therefore adding hydration to the skin is important to counteracting the side effects. So my advice is to keep it as hydrated as possible while you have it and obviously after it is gone. Grapeseed Oil is my favorite. Natural and non-irritating.

grape-seed-oil-6ozQ. “Is retinol the most powerful ingredient for wrinkle prevention? If not, what is?”

A. Retinol isn’t necessarily for prevention. It can be used that way but most use it to soften fine lines and wrinkles. (prescription retinol, like Retin-A is much stronger and can definitely be used for prevention…with side effects though!) Exfoliation, acids (like Glycolic), vitamin-C and SPF are your best bets. Along with regular facials, of course. Getting rid of dead skin is key. Using a scrub (or my favorite, the Konjac Sponge) helps get rid of the dead skin in a physical way. A Glycolic Acid (which is proven to be the best chemical exfoliant for wrinkles) is a great addition to your routine. Vitamin-C will brighten your skin and also help with protection from the sun (hyper-pigmentation!). And, we all know that SPF is the #1 way to prevent aging. Probably not the answer you wanted if you were looking for a miracle but I have always said that there is no miracle when it comes to skin care. (Grapeseed oil is the closest!)


Q. “I’m getting age spots on my hands!”

A. Hands are often neglected and exposed to the sun A LOT! We wash them all throughout the day and usually don’t think to apply SPF to them. I recommend that every time you apply it to your face, rub it on your hands as well. Of course, that only lasts until you wash your hands again so keep some with you at all times. There are travel size bottle that are small enough to keep in your purse (not in your car, too hot!) Another way to help is to exfoliate and hydrate your hands properly. If you use a Glycolic Acid on your face, use it on your hands too. Along with serums and grape seed oil. All these things will probably not get rid of age spots (very, very difficult to do on anything below the face) but they will help prevent.

My favorite!
My favorite!

To Shop For Any of the Products Recommended (and more!), Visit:

I’ve Heard It, But Is It True?

Update: July 2017

1. Doing facial exercises will not tone your face and make you appear younger. They will, in fact, contribute to wrinkles.


2. There is no evidence that Vitamin E actually does anything to help with scarring. It is an antioxidant and will help build skin.

3. Pores do not open and close. They are not windows.

4. Drying out problem, oily or acneic skin is not the answer. It is important to use products that will balance out the skin. Grapeseed Oil is my favorite for hydrating the skin. It’s great for all skin types and will help balance out the skin in a natural way.

5. Skin damage and aging cannot be fixed quickly. This takes time and finding what works for you may take even more time. If you get it right the first time, then you can expect results in about 3 months.


Sunscreen, Sun and Your Skin Myths

1. I don’t need to wear an SPF during the winter months or when there is no sun. This is simply not true. UVA means Ultra Violet Aging and those are visible 365 days a year. Protect your skin and always wear it. Even if you are indoors. The sun can penetrate through windows and over time, do more damage than you think.

2. SPF in my makeup is enough. Nope, sorry. 😦 You need seven times the normal amount of foundation and 14 times the normal amount of powder to get the sun protection factor on the label. I really hope you aren’t going to apply that much makeup!

3. Applying once a day is enough. If you are not in the direct sun AT ALL, then this is probably okay for you. Otherwise you need to re-apply every 1-2 hours. More if you are prone to burn. As soon as you are in the sun, the sunscreen starts to breakdown.

4. I put sunscreen on all the obvious areas so I’m good. What about the back of your neck? Ears? Top of your hands? These areas are often neglected but definitely exposed to sun. Skin cancer and skin damage can be anywhere!

5. Lotions, sprays and sticks all work differently. Not really. My advice is to start with a lotion (stick for the face if you want) and get a good base. When you reapply, a spray should be fine once. Then, use a lotion again. I love the convenience of a spray but it is very easy to miss spots.

I love this sunscreen!
Click on picture to purchase.

6. Expiration dates don’t mean anything. YES THEY DO! If it is expired, STOP using it. No exceptions.

7. A tan is fine as long as I don’t burn. You are still damaging your skin. That is what a tan actually is.

8. My umbrella is enough protection so I don’t need sunscreen. Please don’t believe this! Did you know that sand reflects 17% of UV radiation. That means you are still exposed. It is still important to stay in the shade but wear your sunscreen.

9. The sun always cures my acne (or breakouts). This is a BIG myth. It can be a (very) temporary solution (the sun does kill bacteria) but in reality it causes a buildup of dead skin which leads to clogged pores. And, if you have oily skin, the sun will dry you out, producing even more oil. Viscous cycle.

10. I use SPF100 so I am fully protecting my skin. That isn’t even going to be available anymore because you get 96% protection with SPF30. Anything higher may give you a 4% increase but it will definitely give you more chemicals.

11. The damage is done so it doesn’t matter anymore. It always matters! Wear sunscreen at every age!

Read this previous blog post on sunscreen…

Be Sun Smart

Read this previous blog post on how to care for sunburned skin…

Sunburn Tips

Product Review- Retinol 2% Exfoliating Scrub

If you’re looking for a great exfoliating scrub then look no further. This is a client favorite and makes your skin look and feel amazing. One of the best things about this scrub is that it can be doubled as a mask. If you leave it on for 10 minutes, then the retinol has more opportunity to get in there and do what it needs to do.

Bonus Tip! Use the Glycolic Cleanser first, leave it on and then apply the scrub/mask. Tingling is normal. This addition will boost instant results!


This scrub is a powerful cellular turnover scrub with Retinol (Vitamin A) and jojoba beads to clean, soothe and polish the skin. The retinol encourages the breakup of blackheads and clogged pores, jojoba beads gently exfoliate dead skin cells, while kojic lightens age spots and blemishes left from scars.

Lessens Visible Aging
Lightens Discolorations
Provides Chemical and Physical Exfoliation
Promotes Collagen Synthesis
Assists in Healing and Rejuvenating

Sunscreen Buildup? This happens so often in the summer because we are applying a lot more sunscreen than we do in the winter. This is a great scrub to help fight through the buildup and clean those pores!

Should I Shave my Face?

Updated: July 2017
I get this question a lot! Men have always been known for aging gracefully (and they don’t even appreciate it). Their secret? Shaving. Here are some myths and facts regarding shaving your face. You might find that you will want to do it…
Myth: Shaving your face makes your hair grow back darker and thicker. Just as with the rest of your body, hairs on your face will not grow back darker, thicker, or more numerous if you shave them. 
Fact: Shaving coarse hair will create stubble. If you have a few coarser hairs sprinkled among the peach fuzz, pluck or wax them first to avoid any chance of (horrors) facial stubble. Female face shaving is a skin treatment, not a hair removal method.
Myth: Shaving roughens the skin. If you’re like most women, you’ll find your legs feel smoother than parts of your body that you don’t shave. Smooth, fine-textured skin is just a side effect for legs, but for your face, it’s a prime benefit of shaving.
Fact: Men look so young for their age in part because they shave their faces. Exfoliation speeds up skin cell turnover and reveals chubby young skin cells underneath the old gray ones. Women exfoliate with scrubs or cloths and men shave. As far as skin is concerned, it’s all exfoliation; skin doesn’t care if it’s taboo to shave.
Myth: Shaving gives you ingrown hairs. Fine hairs don’t have the tensile strength to grow into skin like coarser hair on the legs and at the bikini line, so shaving can’t cause ingrown facial hair. This is another reason to remove coarse hairs before shaving.
Fact: Makeup goes on more smoothly with a shaved face. If you want immaculate foundation coverage, shave your skin smooth. While female face shaving improves skin texture, taking off any fine hair down near your jawline is a nice fringe benefit. Powder that used to cling to facial fuzz now lies flat and smooth on your skin.
If you’re convinced, here’s a quick rundown on how to shave your face. If it makes you feel better, call it “razor exfoliation.”
  • Wash your face before shaving and let it dry thoroughly.
  • Use a special razor and throw away after 5 uses. You don’t want to use a dull blade.
  • Remove any coarse hair with tweezers (a good pair of tweezers is important).
  • Shave in the opposite direction of hair growth at a 45 degree angle using short, upward strokes.
  • Avoid acne, blemishes or any skin irritation.
  • Shaving is a form of exfoliation. Skip other forms of exfoliation a few days before and after.
  • Clean the blade with rubbing alcohol when finished.

Always use a razor dedicated to face shaving alone. Hair elsewhere is too coarse, and using the same razor everywhere leads to shaving cuts. Take care around your hairline and eyebrows. You want people to notice your glow, not your half an eyebrow.  As long as you remove coarse hairs first, you can shave as often as you like (about every 3 weeks). It’s one of the kindest and least irritating skin treatments.

Botox. Is it Aging You?

As an Esthetician I am often asked about Botox and Dermal Fillers (Restylane, Juvederm) and whether or not people should get them. I always say that I think women should do whatever makes them feel better about themselves as long as it isn’t harmful and done with caution. I personally have not done either and don’t have plans to in the future. That certainly doesn’t mean I won’t though. Never say never!

Since so many were asking me about these injections, I thought I should read about them and really find out the good and the bad. Nothing is for free, folks. There are definitely some negative side effects to all of these injections but if you are careful and smart about how you get them, you may avoid the pitfalls.



We all know it freezes the muscle and takes away those pesky fine lines and wrinkles. This is fantastic for shaving a few years off!

The Negatives-

  • You don’t know how you will react the first time so you could get a lot of bruising, sensitivity and puffiness.
  • If not done correctly or too much injected, the face could change shape or the eyes could look lop-sided (I call it wonky-eye).
  • When you are over 40 and have zero wrinkles, it just doesn’t look natural. The rest of you is still aging (your neck, your hands…).
  • If you start with Botox at an early age (before wrinkles, maybe after fine lines), you are going to weaken the muscle and that will make you look older! When the muscle is paralyzed it causes the skin to lose its fullness. And remember, youthful skin is also plump. 

Now, you could get fillers to offset the Botox. Just be careful. Less is more.

The Negatives to Fillers-

  • These can alter your appearance. You have seen this in celebrities…Courtney Cox, Lindsay Lohan, etc.
  • Just like Botox, your skin can react poorly. The actual filler is safe though. Hyaluronic Acid is made naturally in our bodies.

Should You Use a Spray Sunscreen?

Now that summer is here I think it’s important to talk about sunscreens. Here are some tips to help you prevent sunburns and premature aging…

  1. SPF 30 is all you need. Anything higher is not necessarily more protection (maybe 2% more) but it is more chemicals. In fact, the best way to protect your skin while in the sun is to make sure you apply the sunscreen generously and often.
  2. I recommend reapplying sunscreen at least every 2 hours. If you are in the water or sweating, apply sooner.
  3. Don’t be stingy with the sunscreen. Applying more will only ensure that you don’t miss a spot.
  4. Spray Sunscreens- I think it’s best to start with a cream sunscreen first. That way you have a good base and then you can reapply with a spray. Again, spray generously so you don’t miss a spot. Please don’t spray your face. A separate face sunscreen is better to use since those are made specifically for the face. Recommended Product: Sheer Protection SPF 30
  5. Kids- There really isn’t a difference between kids and adult sunscreens. Keep them protected since they are too young to know better or even care. Until they are old enough to understand the importance, they won’t do it so it’s 100% up to you!
  6. Kids & Spray Sunscreens- I don’t recommend these for kids. It is not safe for them to inhale the chemicals on a continuous basis. As adults, we know to not breathe while spraying but kids won’t. If it is all you have, something is better than nothing but it’s best not to make it a habit.
  7. Lips- Your lips can burn as well and anyone who has had this happen knows that it hurts! Make sure your chapstick or lip balm has SPF in it. Recommended Product: Lip Balm SPF 15

Follow these simple and easy tips and you should avoid a sunburn!


Be a Man with a Plan!

Too many men tell me that they just “wash” their face with water. If that isn’t good enough for your body, why would it be good enough for the face? The shampoo falling from your head is also not good enough. 😉

While men are generally luckier than women when it comes to their skin, they still need to care for it properly. And, it can be very easy to do.

I’ve come up with a simple 3-Step Plan, morning and evening. It will take you no more than 2 minutes…probably less!

And for those that want more, I have more! More plans that will help with anti-aging or breakouts or whatever else might concern you. If you don’t know where to start, you can get a FREE consultation from an Esthetician (me!) to help guide you.

This 3-Step Plan will last about 3 months and can be automatically shipped to you so you don’t have to worry about running out. It just can’t get any easier!